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Showing posts with the label Gavin Newsom


California Politicians thinking the homeless are just multiplying faster and faster like the chocolates in this classic Lucy episode - but THEY ARE THE ONES MAKING THEM COME OUT FASTER! I just read an article on how bad the "homeless" problem is in California. I use quotes around that word because it seems most of the people we call homeless are addicts in some form other another. Either they are addicted to a drug, alcohol, or simply addicted to street camping.  And if those people prefer living there, why would we call them homeless.   They have a home and they like it, and they don’t have to pay any rent or follow any particular rules. The homeless population has increased greatly each year in California. The California officials are still making the problem worse without even knowing it.  First of all they keep saying it is "their" problem, as in government's problem. This takes away responsibility from the actual street campers. If you are mentally ill, tha