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Recent Study: Diabetes Caused by Sugary Processed Junk Food and Red Meat

A study said that? Sure it did, he said sarcastically. You can find this story going around right now.  Authors refer to this "red meat" as processed stuff like bacon and sausage and hotdogs and such. Here’s what we do know about does not raise your insulin levels, and chronically high insulin for years on end is basically what causes Type 2 Diabetes. And probably causes Alzheimer's and Heart Disease too. Sure some of the processed meats may also do that, like maple bacon or sausage perhaps, but hamburgers and hot dogs as far as studies go, are rarely eaten without a bun and french fries and soda and they rarely can tease out that fact.  I know form eating pretty low carb for the past couple years and getting a few Hemoglobin A1C tests which measure your blood sugar levels over a three month period, a plate full of junky carbs like mac & cheese mixed with sausage, will raise your insulin - so will mac & cheese and salmon, mac & cheese and with brocco

Traffic Tip - What Lane Moves Fastest in Traffic?

I spent quite a few hours driving on the California freeways this past weekend and it set me to wondering: which lane should I be in when the traffic gets heavy?  I did some Googling on the topic and came up with the following...  The lane that moves the fastest when traffic is heavy is the lane that has the fewest cars in it. I know, thanks, Dr. Obvioso -- anyway in that lane there is more space between cars, which allows them to travel at a faster speed. In general, the rightmost lane is the least crowded apparently, so it is often the fastest lane during heavy traffic.  However, there are other factors that can affect which lane is the fastest, such as the number of exits and entrances on the highway, the presence of trucks, and the weather. And now three tips for choosing the fastest lane during heavy traffic: Stay in the right lane unless you are passing. Avoid lanes with a lot of entrances and exits. Be aware of the presence of trucks, cuz they move slower of course.

My Favorite Woody Allen Jokes

I was thinking about my favorite Woody Allen jokes...came up with these... Not necessarily in this order but here they are... I'm astounded by people who want to know the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown. Is it better to be the lover or the loved one? Neither if you have cholesterol over 600. How do I know why there were Nazis...I don't know how the can opener works. That (sex) was the most fun I've ever had without laughing. When I was kidnapped, my parents snapped into action -- they rented out my room. I'm very proud of my gold pocket watch. My grandfather, on his deathbed, sold me this watch. What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet. Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go, it's one of the best. It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.


Always found the assertion that the death penalty is not a deterrent for murder to be spectacularly stupid.  If you think the death penalty is not a deterrent for murder then why would prison be a deterrent? I mean obviously we should not bother to put people in jail if it is not a deterrent. There is also the faction of people who say they cannot support the death penalty because we can never be sure we are not executing an innocent person. To which I say: then why put anyone in prison of we can't ever be 100 percent sure of their guilt? I guess they are willing to deprive someone of their freedom without that 100 percent track record but not their life. Okay that makes some sort of sense I suppose. Hell, I am deterred from parking in front of my house on street sweeper day with the threat of a 40 dollar ticket. Don't tell me deterrents don't work.

Amusing Anecdotes from a Regular Day

I coined a phrase years ago—at least I never heard it uttered by anyone else.  Have you ever heard of check - dar ?  It’s kind of like gaydar , which is very handy both if you are looking for a hookup at a monster truck rally and don’t want to rile up some “fag hatin” hillbilly, or if you don’t want to accidentally set up that guy you work with who is actually gay but you were not aware of it, with some lady. No, check-dar is something I have have been afflicted with.  Symptoms? Well, my body seems to gravitate toward any grocery store line where the person in front of me is writing a check.  It’s some mystical power that I know not whence it came. Thankfully due to the the advent of credit cards and debit cards and other money exchanging apps, I only get a rare flare-up of my checkdar. Today was a doozy. Got behind a woman who had perhaps six to eight times the number of items one should be gunning for in the Express Checkout Lane, then she had divided up her stuff into two or maybe t


Elections are coming up again, you know, like that shrimp you ate at lunch that tasted a bit off.  I have listed here some things for all voters to keep in mind as they head to the polls (or don't head to them).  This guide is less of a "who and what to vote for" than it is a guide for whether or not you SHOULD vote. If you get ALL your news from Fox News - DON'T VOTE If you get ALL your news from MSNBC - DON'T VOTE If you cannot name one famous economist without using Google - DON'T VOTE If you have not read a fiction novel in the last year - DON'T VOTE If you think your political party has good intentions but that other party party has BAD ones - DON'T VOTE If you don't regularly listen to smart people who understand controversial issues argue about them - DON'T VOTE If you have more than two bumper stickers on your car - DON'T VOTE If you meet more than 3 people each day who are "Communists" or "Fascists"  - DON'T


How I've longed since boyhood for the arrival of the flying car. This longing goes back well before Blade Runner or  The Jetsons . These have been dangled before us since the Wright Brothers first left the ground. Hell it took about 60 years to figure out that we should put cup holders in the ones we do have. And for that matter why did it take so damned long to make wheels on luggage a standard feature? You kids don’t know the tortures we faced while driving, even into the early 80s. First you had to GUESS how long it would take you to get to the airport to pick up your visiting relative, who left you a message on your answering machine from their house phone when they left Dallas at 7am. You’d likely spill a drink in your lap on the way to the airport where you’d meet Aunt Lucy, hopefully where she said she was going to be hours earlier, and then lug her 55 pound suitcase by its plastic handle all the way to your car from the Delta Terminal. The horror….the horror… Enter cell ph